Beer brewed specifically for the OldBikers. Proper beer from grains to satisfy the tastes of the old farts.
First up is Bonneville Bitter, a traditional bitter brewed with English hops.
Followed by Gold Star Pale Ale, a lighter beer with a more fruity flavour.
All the OldBikers Beer will be named after classic British motorcycles.
- Bonneville Bitter (Triumph Bonneville).
- Gold Star Pale Ale (BSA Gold Star).
- Black Shadow Bitter (Vincent Black Shadow).
- Viper Pale Ale (Velocette Viper).
- Brough Superior Lager (Brough Superior).
- Silver Hawk Bitter (Matchless Silver Hawk).
and more to come.
We will also have the comments from the OldBikers after the tasting sessions, watch this space